Welcome from our Principal!

Dear RHS Faculty, 

I hope you’ve all been lucky enough to have a teacher that inspired you, in some way, to be the person you are today.  I can think of the educators I had as a student who convinced me I wanted to teach.  I also think often about the educators that have been my colleagues, whom I’ve worked to emulate as I grew into my role in education.  Teaching is a craft - a mix of art and science - that gets better over time, as one reflects, refines, revises, innovates, and grows.  The purpose of this site is to harness our collective wisdom as Revere High Teachers to support everyone's growth in their craft.  Whether you’re a first year teacher or a veteran entering your thirtieth year, I hope you all join me in sharing the commitment to the belief that what happens in classrooms, every day, has the power to change the world. 

This project began in January 2023 as an effort to better support the new teachers we have welcomed onto the faculty at RHS over the past few years.  Thanks to the leadership of our Instructional Coaches, this project evolved to outline and curate, all in one place, our collective vision for teaching and learning at Revere High School.  We hope that all teachers take advantage of these resources, share contributions with their instructional coach, and help this become a world-class repository for the craft of teaching.  

At Revere High School, we are on a mission to provide an Instructional Program that prepares students to realize our Vision for them as our Graduates.  We want their experience at RHS to prepare them to Innovate to solve complex problems; Engage with their community; Lead across difference; Thrive, mentally, physically and financially; and Succeed in meaningful post-secondary experiences.  

At RHS we embrace the following principles of Competency Based Learning as a we design our curriculum, plan our units, and deliver our instruction: 

Please take the time to explore this resource.  Better yet, please reach out to your instructional coach or curriculum director if you have suggestions for what should be included as we develop the website.  

I hope you all have a great school year!


Christopher T. Bowen
