“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -- Dr. Seuss

HOURS: 7:00 - 2:45 Daily

  • Students are allowed to checkout or return books before school, during both lunch shifts, or scheduled through your English teacher classes.

  • Students may come to the library with a pass from a teacher during other times.

  • The library may close during both lunch periods if a class is in the library, or other reasons determined by the librarian.


  • There are over 16,000 books in our collection. The reference collection is available for in-library use; other books are available for circulation. Students may search book availability through the link provided on the website.

  • Students may check out one book at a time for two weeks.

  • Fines will be assessed at a rate of $.10 per school day foreach overdue book. A maximum of $9.00 will be charged for late fees. Students with overdue or outstanding fines over $2.00 must clear their record before borrowing additional materials.

  • Students will show ID badge to check out and scan materials.

  • Books may be renewed once.

  • Lost or damaged materials beyond reasonable wear must be paid for at the purchase price.

  • At school students may pick up their books after their request or have them delivered to their English teacher.

  • Virtual Students may pick up their books on Tuesdays or Thursdays the following week after their request from 12:30 - 2:00.

  • All books may be returned to the Book Drop outside the library doors or in the library.


  • Students may use computers by the entrance doors that are connected to the printer.

  • Students are charged $.10 per copy. Ask permission to copy before doing so.


  • Our library is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification system for nonfiction books.

  • Reference books are located to the left of the entrance doors.

  • Nonfiction books are found on shelves directly behind reference books.

  • Biographies are arranged alphabetically and are located under the front school windows.

  • Fiction books are the last rows of shelves. Fiction books are shelved alphabetically according to the author's last name. Follow signs on the ends of the shelf aisles to find books by author.

  • Periodicals are in the section to the right of the entrance doors. Periodicals are not for check out.


  • Current issues of magazines are on display and available for in-library use.

  • Magazines are alphabetical by name of the magazine on the racks to the right of the library entrance doors.


  • A variety of games and puzzles are located past the fiction shelves for student use.

  • All pieces are to be returned and games put away when the student leaves the library.


  • Computers in the Computer Lab are scheduled to be used by the teachers.

  • Students may use the computer lab to take AR tests when approved by the teacher and if they have a pass to do so.


  • AR tests must be taken during your English class or during library hours with a hall pass. Tests are password protected and students are monitored.Students will follow the guidelines of their English teacher for AR requirements.

  • Students will follow the guidelines of their English teacher for AR requirements.

  • Highest AR reader will be recognized quarterly. High AR readers will be recognized at the yearly academic awards ceremony.

  • STAR tests will be administered through English classes or teacher requests.


  • Respect the rights of others to work effectively.

  • No food or drinks. If the Cannon Cafe is operating, keep purchases in the cafe area by the periodicals.

  • Appropriate language only. Quiet voices are to be used.

  • Show care when using all library resources.

  • Unless you are visiting with a class, you must have a pass to visit the library. Please sign in at the circulation desk when you enter the library and give us your pass.

  • Students are to be seated at the tables or on the couches and chairs. No students are allowed in the shelving aisles unless they are browsing for books. No more than 2 people per aisle.

  • Students who are non compliant will be asked to leave. Repeated noncompliance may have their library privileges revoked.