The voters of District 62 spoke on April 30th, 2022, and their voice was heard. The bond issues passed by 64%. Now that the bond has passed, the work for better facilities, improved safety, and more opportunities can continue stronger in District 62.


As promised by the Rapides Parish School Board, the goal is to now be 100% transparent with the progression of District 62 projects. Below you will find a chronological order of events and specifics for each project within the District 62 Bond. 

District 62 Bond Projects Timeline

District 62 Bond Timeline

District 62 Update on Projects


SCHOOL:                         PROJECT:                          BUDGET:             STATUS/COMPLETION:

ASH                                             New Early College Addition                              $5,263,100.00                                      In Progress

ASH                                                     New Fieldhouse                                       $4,386,000.00                                     In Progress

ASH                                              Auditorium Renovations                                  $1,250,000.00                                      In Progress

ASH                                                  School Renovations                                     $2,193,000.00                                      In Progress

ASH                                     Turf Field - Football, Baseball, Softball                     $2,193,000.00                                      In Progress

ASH                                      Renovation of Girls' Locker Room                           $1,315,800.00                                       In Progress

BRAME                           Classroom Addition/Remove Temp. Buildings                 $2,851,000.00                                      In Progress

BRAME                                New Gym/Multi-Purpose Building                            $4,386,000.00                                      In Progress

CHEROKEE              Classroom Addition/Remove Temp. Buildings/Renovate         $3,947,400.00                                      In Progress

NACHMAN              Classroom Addition/Remove Temp. Buildings/Renovate          $3,947,400.00                                      In Progress

HORSESHOE           Roof Replacement/Repairs, Playground Equipment,

                               Extend Canopies, Extend Parking Areas, Walking Trail,

                               Driveway for Buses, Door Replacements, Digital Sign,

                            Closed-In Walkway, Added Driveway, Added Awnings       $1,561,400.00  (RPSB - $220,000)                  In Progress

    ASH SUBTOTAL: $32,044,100.00    


SCHOOL:                         PROJECT:                          BUDGET:             STATUS/COMPLETION:

AMMS                New Academic Building, Auditorium Work, Ext. Renovations        $12,280,700.00                                     In Progress

BOLTON                     Roof Work, Auditorium Work, School Renovations               $4,714,900.00                                       In Progress

BOLTON                                          Bolton Conservatory                                    $877,200.00                                        In Progress

BOLTON                                            Refurbish Track                                         $877,200.00                                        In Progress

HUDDLE                                   Additional Wing for Students                             $2,193,000.00                                       In Progress

HUDDLE                                           Misc. Renovations                                      $1,315,800.00                                        In Progress

L.S. RUGG                                   Additional Wing for Students                            $2,631,600.00                                       In Progress

L.S. RUGG                                            New Elevator                                           $109,650.00                                         In Progress

L.S. RUGG                                          Misc. Renovations                                      $1,315,800.00                                        In Progress

BOLTON SUBTOTAL: $26,315,850.00


SCHOOL:                         PROJECT:                          BUDGET:             STATUS/COMPLETION:

ACADIAN                  Covered Walkway and Canopy for Bus Drop-Off,

                                           Fencing, Gates, Resurface Driveweay,

                                       Evaluate Parking, Enclose Interior Vestibule     $2,039,500.00 (RPSB - $175,000)                        In Progress

ALMA REDWINE            Decorative No-Climb Fence, Gates, Plumbing,

                                    Cafeteria Renovations, Gym/Auditorium Roof,

                                         Gym/Auditorium Painting, Stage Repairs       $2,000,000 (RPSB - $220,000)                          In Progress

ARTHUR SMITH                 Building for 500 Students to Replace School                $13,157,900                                         In Progress

MARTIN PARK                   Student Restrooms, Playground Equipment, 

                                         Flag Pole, Parking Lot Lighting,

                                       Correct Issues with Access Control on Doors     $2,017,550.00 (RPSB - $200,000)                        In Progress

PEABODY HS         Renovations to Girls' Gym, Bathrooms, and Gym floor             $438,600.00                                          In Progress

PEABODY HS         Increase Track From 5 to 8 Lanes - Replace Completely          $877,200.00                                          In Progress

PEABODY HS                                   Misc. Renovations                                      $4,166,650.00                                         In Progress

PEABODY HS                                  Turf Football Field                                      $1,096,500.00                                         In Progress


PEABODY SUBTOTAL: $25,793,900.00

TOTAL OF 3 FEEDER SYSTEMS: $84,153,850.00