
third grade

Third graders continue to develop their mastery of the language. The students put the language into practice through a variety of language games, role-playing, writing and drawing projects. Incorporating the use of authentic primary resources from the francophone world, students expand their knowledge and awareness of all the places where French is spoken.

When is your birthday?

Learn how to say the four seasons in French

This week you will learn how to say the four seasons in French.

Take a look at this short Spark video to practice pronouncing the French words.

Now you are ready to draw or paint a picture of each season. When you finish, you can label each drawing/painting with the season's name in French.

You will have all week to work on this project so take your time. Add lots of color and detail to your work.

Bonus- Write a sentence about why you like each season.

Ex- J'aime le printemps parce que j'aime voir les fleurs.

Quel Temps Fait-Il?

Les mois de l'année

Les liens de l'amité

Les ÉlÈves en France

What French words can you pick up? Can you follow along with their conversation? Listen to it several times each day and see if you can pick up more and more each time.

A new video added for Thursday's school cancellation. Amusez-vous!

The very popular and hilarious squirrel video!

Even though the students may not understand every word, it is important to hear the language in an authentic mode where over time with repeated exposure, the students will improve their level of comprehension.

Ça ne vas pas!

quatre bonnes choses song

Regarder, Écouter, Penser, Travailler

Ça va?

Beginning of the year skits