6th Grade Swim Club

6th grade swim is an Intramural program for 6th graders who are interested in being on the 7th and 8th grade team. It will teach the fundamentals of all 5 strokes, Diving, and turns. This is the first exposure to being on a team for most 6th graders. Besides the skills in the water we work on team building, and sportsmanship.


Practice will be every day from 3:00-4:30. Each swimmer will need to bring a water bottle, suit, towel, and their own goggles. Practices will teach the fundamentals and learn all four strokes. This is a practice and not an open swim. We will have a team party on the last day!


There will be one swim meet. This is an intersquad meet all family and friends are invited and encouraged to watch.


Each Athlete must bring there own swimsuit, towel, goggles, and water bottle. They may use/bring a swim cap if they would like.