ROWVA'S Music Rules

Lettering In Music

Students will receive points based on their involvement in an assortment of band activities, both required and optional. Students need 160 points to letter. Below is the list of points associated with the various activities.

Years in High School Music

1 - 10 points

2 - 25 points

3 - 50 points

4 - 100 points

Morning Marching Rehearsals (on time and present at all rehearsals, no partial credit)

20 points total (not per rehearsal)


50 points

ROWVA Children of the Corn

50 points

Pep Band/Choir Anthem (Perfect Attendance to all events)

10 Points

ANY Honor Band/Choir/LTC Participation

10 points per honor festival (25 for all state/District)

All-State/District Audition

40 points

Drum Major and/or Choir Director 

30 points

Perfect Lesson attendance

30 points

Solo/Ensemble/Chopin Contest

10 points per event(30 point maximum)

       Superior Rating - 5 bonus points per event      

Tri M Membership

50 Points

Music Mentorship

30 Points for each Band Buddies Mentored