Rowland Unified School District

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Annette Ramirez

Director of Student Services

Phone: (626) 935-8283

Twitter: @StuServicesRUSD

email: annettel@rowlandschools.org

Eleanor Purdy, M.Ed. (SpEd)

Behavioral and Educational Strategies Team (Teacher on Special Assignment)

Phone: (626) 854-8520 ext. 3109

mobile: (626) 277-9562

Twitter: @PurdyTeacher

email: epurdy@rowlandschools.org

Rowland Unified School District PBIS Calendar


2021-2022 PBIS Calendar dates

What is PBIS?

School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) is a multi-tiered prevention framework guiding the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based interventions to meet the academic, behavior and socio-emotional needs of all students. Schools implementing PBIS Tier I supports for all students prevent the development and/or exacerbation of behavior challenges, increase the occurrence of pro-social skills and enhance the overall school culture. The use of school-wide, targeted group and individual student outcome and fidelity data is used for decision-making and action planning.

School-wide PBIS is a preventive and inclusive approach to equitable education for all students. Since it is our belief all students can develop the social and academic skills needed to become successful citizens, it is then our responsibility to create equitable and inclusive environments where all students can practice and become fluent with the necessary social and academic skills for a successful transition into their adult lives.

Sited from California Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CalTAC) website

CA PBIS Connecting the Dots: Introduction

CA PBIS Connecting the Dots: Culturally Responsive PBIS (PBIS with Equity in Mind)

CA PBIS Connecting the Dots: Trauma and PBIS

CA PBIS Connecting the Dots: SEL & PBIS