Schedule - Mrs. Davies

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Afternoon Student Conference Schedule

Office Hours

Mondays & Thursdays, 2:40-3:00*

Students can show up for office hours by using the regular class Zoom link.

*Please note that occasionally office hours may be canceled due to other meetings.*

Attendance Expectations

Students are expected to attend Zoom class meetings daily and on time. Students should sign in a few minutes before the start of the meeting and check that they are fully prepared. Attendance will be taken at the beginning and throughout the day.

Missed Zoom Meetings

There are a variety of reasons in which your child may miss a Zoom meeting. If your child is too ill to attend, please notify Mrs. Davies.

We understand that may be unforeseeable device or internet issues. Please notify Mrs. Davies if this occurs. If the issue persists, please contact the RUSD technology hotline for further assistance.

RUSD Tech Hotline: (626) 854-8545