Walsh Nurse

Welcome to the Nurse's Website.

My name is Sherry Chambless. I have been a RRISD School RN for 12 years. I have been the Walsh School Nurse since the school opened in 2008.

My goal is to keep students healthy, safe, and in the classroom participating and learning.

Medication permission forms, immunization information, and helpful links are provided for your convenience.

***Please remember the RRISD policy regarding fever***

"Before returning to school, students must be fever free (below 100 degrees) for 24 hours without the need of fever reducing medicine."

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Sherry Chambless RN, BSN

Clinic phone: 512-704-0827

Fax: 512-704-0941

email: Sherry_Chambless@roundrockisd.org