Geometry Syllabus

Classroom Expectations:

Grading Policy

Minor Grades: 40%

Late work will be accepted up to the day BEFORE the unit test. 20 points will be deducted for late work. 

Major Grades: 60%  (Unit Tests, CheckPoints, and Projects)

Of these grades, there will be at least 3 major grades. Students will be given an opportunity to retake/redo/correct a test for a maximum grade of 70% credit. Tutorials will be required.

HAC Codes

The following may be seen as student’s grades in the grade book. 

Late Work Policy

Absent Policy

Academic Integrity 

There will be absolutely NO tolerance for cheating in any form.  Cheating is giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any assignment. It is important that students do their own work to maximize their learning.  Cooperative effort, not copying, is allowed only on homework and class activities unless otherwise indicated.