Algebra Syllabus

Course Description

The focus of Algebra I is to bridge the gap from the arithmetic skills to the more abstract algebraic means of representation. It is intended to build a foundation for all higher math classes. This course will review algebraic expressions, integers, and mathematical properties that will lead into working with variables, linear and non-linear equations. Students will analyze data as it relates to the real world. Concepts and skills involve operations and properties of real numbers, linear functions, linear inequalities, quadratics functions, factoring polynomials, exponential functions, variation and systems of linear equations and inequalities. One high school credit is earned upon successful completion of this course.

Classroom Expectations:

  • On all assignments, both digital or on paper, students will show work and maintain it for the duration of a unit.

  • Students need to turn work in on time. All assignments are due on the expected day.

  • Students will come to class with all of their supplies.

  • Students will ask for help and/or attend tutorials if it is needed. See the tutorial schedule.

  • Students will ask questions and participate in class.

  • Students will bring charged Chromebook and charger to class.

Grading Policy

Minor Grades: 40%

Late work will be accepted up to the day BEFORE the unit test. 20 points will be deducted for late work.

Major Grades: 60% (Unit Tests, CheckPoints, and Projects)

Of these grades, there will be at least 3 major grades. Students will be given an opportunity to retake/redo/correct a test for a maximum grade of 70% credit. Tutorials will be required.

Students will have only one attempt on CheckPoints and all work needs to be turned in.

HAC Codes

The following may be seen as student’s grades in the grade book.

  • 0- Assignment turned in and no answers were correct.

  • BLANK - Assignment is missing or needs to be synced from Schoology (check Schoology to see if assignment is complete).

Late Work Policy

  • All work must be turned in on time.

  • 20 points will be taken off.

  • NO late work will be accepted after the unit test.

Absent Policy

  • When the student is absent, it is the student's responsibility to obtain any missed work or notes.

  • Student may check Schoology to preview lesson.

Academic Integrity

There will be absolutely NO tolerance for cheating in any form. Cheating is giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any assignment. It is important that students do their own work to maximize their learning. Cooperative effort, not copying, is allowed only on homework and class activities unless otherwise indicated.