RRISD Special Education
Transition Services
What is Transition?
With adult living in mind, transition planning can empower students to obtain knowledge and skills so as to maximize their ability to become contributing members of society.
Why is Transition Important?
Beginning on or before the 14th birthday, transition planning is a way to gather information from the student to plan for the future
With graduation in mind, plans for the future
Focuses on interests
Contributes to elective selection on four-year plans
Guides the student and family with an appropriate action plan to obtain community involvement, job skills (paid or unpaid employment,) self-advocacy skills
The transition specialist provides building and district-wide training in Transition Planning, Person-Centered Planning, and Self-Determination skills. In addition, the transition specialist helps to identify, establish and maintain links to state and non-profit agencies. The transition specialist also provides individual support to students, families, and staff. Upon request, he provides updates on transition planning, community access support, adult agency information, and the development of new programs.
Try the newly released Texas Sped Support Website: create a login, free for educators, families, and students to guide them in the next steps to adulthood as well as other special education information.
The Texas Transition and Employment Guide required by HB617 from the 83rd Texas Legislature has been developed by TEA and a team of stakeholders. It is full of relevant information on all aspects of planning for your future, including employment, college and training, and self-advocacy.
For more information regarding Texas Transition, please visit the Texas Transition website: texastransition.org
Visit the US Department of Labor for information regarding work accommodations
JAN - Job Accommodations Network A to Z
Who to contact:
Campus Transition Services Websites:
District Transition Specialist:
Will Renfro
Transition Specialist, RRISD