K, 1, & 2 Grades

K, 1st, and 2nd grades get 2 grades for Spanish on their report card.  

They receive a grade of MS (Met Standard), AP (Approaching Standard) or LP (Limited Progress) for each.   

Since we see students once every 4 days, we do not give homework or tests.  We must rely on what we are able to observe during our time together in order to assign them a grade.

Occasionally, a child's grade will drop from one report card to the next.  It isn't always something to be alarmed about, but it does warrant a conversation between you and your child.

Remember that as a language, Spanish builds upon itself.  Some students are eager to learn and find Spanish very easy at the beginning but slow down a bit as new words are added and more is expected.  

In some cases, the student is not participating or paying attention, and both their abilities and their grade are starting to suffer.

We are always happy to answer questions regarding your child's Spanish grade.  We can do so via email or phone conference.

kimberly_teal@roundrockisd.org   512-428-3648

haydee_money@roundrockisd.org   512-428-3642