3, 4, & 5 Grades

3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders receive a grade of E, S, N, or U on their report cards.  

​Since we see students on a 4-day rotation, we don't give homework or tests.  This means we must assign them a grade based on what can be observed in the classroom during our time together.  If a student is paying attention and participating in what we are doing, they will usually receive an 'E'.  We try to make Spanish fun and interactive so that there are plenty of opportunities to practice the target language structures. This is accomplished through a variety of activities, games, songs and stories.  To see what your student has been learning and how they are being taught, please go to the page What is my child learning? and click on your child's grade level.  

If your child is not receiving an 'E', it is probably due to one of the following reasons:

We always happy to answer questions regarding your child's Spanish grade.  We can do so via email or phone. 

kimberly_teal@roundrockisd.org   512-428-3648

haydee_money@roundrockisd.org   512-428-3642

Check out this rubric for further clarification of how grades are determined.
