About Ms. McCullough

Dear Marvel Students and Families,

I am so excited to begin this year of learning with you. Fourth grade is an exciting year of growth and discovery for all of us. I love the curriculum, and the students are full of wonder and wisdom. Over this year students will be encouraged to challenge themselves, take risks, and make mistakes as they develop their full potential as learners. As their teacher, I am dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can all be successful.

I started my teaching career here at Laurel Mountain fifteen years ago. I didn't start out to be a teacher, but got hooked when my son was in elementary school. I was active in his classroom and soon realized that teachers have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to touch the lives of children. With a BA in Psychology and MSSW (Masters of Science in Social Work), I knew I wanted to help others to be successful. Teaching seemed to be a perfect fit. So, after returning to UT for a few years, I started my career here at Laurel Mountain in 2004.

When I am not at school I spend my time with friends and family. I enjoy being outdoors, especially hiking and exploring nature. Gardening and photography are also among my passions. I find our natural world amazing and hope to pass that excitement on to your children.

Through the years I have had the privilege to share my classroom with many children, each one unique and special. Seeing them grow and develop over the year is one of the true gifts of teaching. With a positive environment, the rich learning opportunities available at LME, and your support, we can’t help but have a "marvelous” year!

I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you over the coming year.

Best to yo u all!

Ms. McCullough

Contact Information - Classroom Phone - 512-464-4333 karin_mccullough@roundrockisd.org Room 513