Mrs. Estrada's

7th Grade ELA

Paying Attention to Our Thinking ...

This year, we'll take a Balanced Literacy approach using the Workshop Model to immerse ourselves in thematic study.


Reading or Writing in the Margins

We try to include ways to include reading or writing everyday to reach our personal goals.


  • 20-30 minutes minimum per Individualized Reading Goals


  • 1 entry, or 5-10 minutes solid writing in your Notebook

An Efficient, Rich Learning Environment

Mastering our Learning Goals means knowing what we have to learn, knowing what steps are involved in learning, and resources we'll need to achieve them.

This means being efficient in our classroom with little wasted time.

We WANT to maximize Classroom Instruction - where Mrs. Estrada demonstrates, models, provides direction & inspiration to get you going -- and the baton is passed on to you so the REAL LEARNING can begin.

Mrs. Estrada wants to speak, get out of the way, so you can engage in your own learning!

Let's be efficient team players together in ELA!


Independent Book



Portfolio (stays in class)


10% Daily Work /Home Work

60% Assessments- Writing Projects

30% Quizzes - Notebook Checks - Reading Status


Within 5 school days, per CVMS Grading Policy