
your teacher..

Hi, Everybody!

I teach 7th grade ELA at Canyon Vista Middle School. I am more than a middle school Language Arts teacher, tho. I'm someone who loves to meaningfully observe the world - and I'd love to show you how!

This year will truly mark a year of discovery in Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Responding to the world around us. In so many ways, we don't know what we're wonderfully capable of -- even me, as a writer, reader, Mom, teacher, and human being. I'm so glad we'll be sharing so many literacy experiences together in our Reading and Writing Workshop virtual classroom.

I am originally from a small town called Edcouch-Elsa in the Rio Grande Valley, but Austin has been my home for the past 20 years. I graduated with a degree from the University of Texas - Pan American and am certified to teach grades 6-12.. I've been married for 23 years and have 5 children -- two of whom attend St. Edward's University. I have a child attending Westwood this year, another coming with me to Canyon Vista as a 7th grader, and a little one who's a 4th grader at Laurel Mountain Elementary. As a family, we love having these wide and varied experiences! They make for great talk, great writing and even great reading for sharing - even at home!

It's a lot like Reading and Writing Workshop we'll be doing at school this year. We'll talk, reflect, write, read, then talk some more and write somewhere, all the while, creating and expressing beautiful ideas to share with the world! Just wait -- this year, we'll surprise ourselves with what we can do!


Mrs. Estrada
