Mrs. Davalos

ELA 6th Grade

“You will have a story in there. . . or a character, a place, a poem, a moment in time. When you find it, you will write it. Word after word after word after word.”

Patricia MacLachlan, Word After Word After Word

“Some words may make you happy, some may make you said. Maybe some will make you angry. What I hope. . . what I hope is that something will whisper in your ear.”

Patricia MacLachlan, Word After Word After Word

I love this book....The teacher in this book is who I want to be! She is so patient with her students and gently nudges them to find "their story". Once the students trust her and begin to listen to themselves, they continue on their journey to write beautifully.

We will write in our room to find our voices, to vent about things, and to explore information and ideas. Please encourage your children to go deeper and think critically and then write about them. They are our problem solvers of the future!