Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to common questions & concerns expressed during the year:


May students bring a snack to school?

Most definitely! Please make sure to send your child with a healthy snack daily. Your child will have the opportunity to eat his or her snack while they are working or doing various activities. So, please do not send foods that need silverware and make sure it is something that they can enjoy while on the move. Foods like pretzels, popcorn, goldfish, crackers, fruits, and vegetables make great snacks.


May students bring a drink to school?

Yes, but please only send water. Also, please make sure that the drink you provide has a top that can be securely fastened. We want to keep our classroom and building looking spectacular.


How will behavior be documented?

All 2nd grade teachers will communicate with parents daily about student behavior using their Daily Tiger Folder. In this folder, any Teravista teacher will be able to give you specific feedback and clarification on your child's daily behavior. You will also have the opportunity to write back to a specific teacher commenting about the specified behavior or asking for further clarification. We ask that all parents look over their child's behavior daily and provide your initials as confirmation.


What about grades?

Report cards come out every nine weeks. Second grade report cards are very similar to Kinder and 1st grade report cards. The report card is developmental and a rubric is used to determine whether a child is LP (Exhibits skill/concept with direct guidance), AS (Exhibits skill/concept with minimal guidance) or MS (Exhibits mastery of skill/concept).

When determining your child’s performance levels, we take into consideration teacher observations and work samples as indicators of your child’s current level of performance. We compare these indicators to the level of mastery expected by the end of the school year for all students at this grade level.

The report card is based on a continuum and is reflective of our RRISD second grade report card standards. For example, one of the criterion is that your child must be able to master adding numbers up to 1,200. However, we do not teach adding 3 digit numbers until the Spring with regrouping or borrowing – so naturally your child will not be able to receive an MP in the Fall in this area because we have not had the opportunity to see mastery in this concept until the Spring.     

Number grades and rubrics may be used on some student work, as well as the check system listed below:

√+ :  Quality Work, Showed Complete Mastery

√  :   Good Effort, Had Good Knowledge of the Skill

√ -   :  Had Difficulty, Needs Reteaching of Skill


What is Tiger Time?

Each day this time is set aside so that teachers can help small groups of students. During this tutorial time students may be working on remediation skills, enrichment activities, or catching up on incomplete work.


Arrival Time?

The instructional day begins at 7:35 and ends at 2:55.  We ask that your child be dropped off after 7:10 a.m. to ensure adult supervision and no later than 7:30 so he/she will get to his/her classroom on time.  If your child arrives after 7:35, he/she will be counted tardy. 


Dismissal Procedures?

(We are currently revising our dismissal plan and will update you with the final plan.)

Please make sure that your child's teacher is always aware of your child's route of transportation home from school.  If any changes arise, please complete the change of dismissal form (HERE) or call the office.  Teachers have few opportunities to read emails throughout the day.  If you choose to email the teacher, please make sure that you receive a confirmation stating that the email was received.  You may also leave a message with someone in the office at 704-0500 as early as possible.  Otherwise, your child will be sent home in the normal fashion.  Children can often misunderstand a situation, so we must be contacted by you personally.   Further details regarding arrival and dismissal procedures are explained in the Teravista Elementary Parent Handbook.


Leaving Early for Appointments?

If you need to pick your child up early, please have your child (or you may also) send a note to the office, preferably prior to the start of the school day. The note should contain the following information:

*students name and teacher

*the date

*what time the student should be picked up in the office

*will student return to school or are they leaving for the day

Student needs to bring the note to the office (preferably prior to the start of the school day) to obtain a bright pink slip which will serve as the students "pass" to come to the office at the time requested for early pick up.

We will also have a form on the school website that parents can use in case they forget to send a note. In that case a pink note will be delivered to your class by office staff.

This will allow us to have your child packed up and waiting for you in the office. What a win-win for everyone!


Birthdays ?

We love to make your child feel special on their birthdays! But due to dietary restrictions and health concerns, your child will ONLY be allowed to send in trinket/goody bags to hand out to their classmates. Everything in these goody bags must be individually wrapped and non-edible treats. Some great suggestions would be pencils, erasers, bouncy balls, small toys, or pre-packaged slime.


Library ?

Each class will visit the library regularly for story time and checkout. They are expected to return both library books the following week on their class’ respective library day.  Please see the schedule tab for your child's specific library day.

Please keep all library books in the large 2-gallon Ziploc baggies or the bags that will be provided from our librarian. If your child misplaces their baggie or it is damaged, please replace it as soon as possible.



Please send money labeled with your child's name in a baggie or envelope and place in the pocket of his/her blue folder. DO NOT PLACE LOOSE MONEY IN YOUR CHILD'S BACKPACK AS WE DO NOT CHECK BACKPACKS. The students are given four choices of meals each day, and they will be asked to choose first thing each morning.  A lunch menu will be posted on the Round Rock ISD website as well.  You are also welcome to monitor your child’s lunch account on the district website and deposit funds as necessary.  If you plan on having lunch with your child, please notify your child's teacher in order to reserve a meal. 



Teachers are not allowed to dispense any type of medication to students.  Please see the school nurse if your child needs to take prescribed medication.  Please notify your child’s teacher of any health changes. If your child is asthmatic, please send all medications to the nurse’s office as well. Any cough drops must be placed in a Ziploc baggie labeled with your child’s first and last name and dropped off in the nurse’s office in the morning. Please remember that your child must be fever free (without Tylenol/Motrin) for 24 hours before he/she can return to school.


Positive Reinforcements?

The students will constantly receive verbal praise.  Tangible reinforcements such as: stickers, prizes, stamps, coins, etc. will also be distributed.  Upon the receipt of the “Tiger Tickets” and/or “Paw Prints,” students may collect them and redeem them for prizes. We will also have a variety of individual and group prizes in the classroom.


Questions or Conference Needed?

Please feel free to call, email, or send a note to your child's teacher. Remember, please schedule a conference with your child's teacher rather than stop in to discuss your concerns before or during school. A conference will provide one-on-one time to discuss and answer questions so that everyone is on the same page. Before school and during school is not an appropriate time for these discussions as our attention needs to be on our little ones and we want to give you our undivided attention that you deserve!



We will have approximately twenty minutes of recess daily.  Please dress your child appropriately according to the weather. Your child is welcome to bring outdoor items for recess (footballs, soccer balls, jump ropes) - but they are responsible for keeping track of them. 


Toy Policy?

Please have your child leave all toys at home, unless your child has earned a ticket for “bringing a stuffed animal to school” or a special reward. All toys will be confiscated to avoid being broken, lost, or accidentally taken.  Toys will be returned at the end of the day or to the parent.


Teacher Wish List?

Many teachers have an Amazon wish list or will email when items are needed for the classroom. If you can assist by providing any of the items on the list, please do so.  It is always greatly appreciated and we thank you for your generosity in advance!