Favorite Things 

Teacher’s Name:  Rachel Milstead

Birthday: March 14, 1984

Hobbies/Interests: Running/working out, reading, shopping at my favorite stores, spending time with my family and friends, going to church, getting pedicures and eating at good restaurants. 

I love sparkles and anything that’s pink and glittery.

I collect: Anything cute and decorative. I love Fall and Christmas decorations.

Favorite restaurants: Chick Fil A, Moonshine Restaurant, 2020 Scratch Kitchen, Chuys, Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden.

Favorite stores: Flaunt Boutique (its an app and on facebook), Amazon, Target, Michael’s and Hobby Lobby.

Favorite flowers:Pink Stargazer Lilies, Hydrangeas and Roses

Favorite sweet treats:  I try and eat healthy as much as I can, but Tru Fru,  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Sour Patch Kids, Twix, 

Peanut Butter M&Ms, White Chocolate covered pretzels 

Favorite Snacks: Dot’s pretzels (original and Southwest flavor), fruit, vegetables and hummus. Charcuterie board items. 

Favorite coffee &/ tea: Unsweet ice tea, Hint Water, Sparkling water

Favorite fragrances & personal care products: Bath and Body works, I love Fall and Christmas smells, bath bombs, bubbles

Favorite Scents(candles): Anything Fall, Christmas or bake good smell

Other items I enjoy receiving: 

Gift cards to any of my favorite stores,restaurants, things to do with my kids, pedicures.

Classroom wish list:
