What time do children enter your classroom?

Children are allowed in our room at 7:30 and on some days, even earlier! The tardy bell rings at 7:40 If your child is just walking into our room at that time, they will feel late and worried. We have several morning jobs that must be done and entering by 7:40. That means the rest of the room is 10 minutes or more ahead of your child if they walk in at the tardy bell. It doesn't seem like a a big deal but it's similar to an adult showing up for a meeting 10 minutes late.

Can my child have snacks or a water bottle in class?

Your child is encouraged to bring in several high protein snacks each day. We have a late lunch at school so students eat when they are hungry up until 10:30. Please do not send in messy items that could spill or disrupt learning. I don't know yet if we can have nut products in our room this year due to food allergies. For now, save those nut foods for lunch time!!

Water bottles are a must!! We don't leave our room for water breaks. Please send in a bottle that won't spill free flowing water when tipped over. That is a nightmare to clean up and disrupts learning when it happens.

What days do we go to PE?

We go to PE on Monday, Wednesday, plus part of each Friday. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and is wearing tennis shoes because they do run and go outside every other week. We have an A/B schedule. On A days, we will go to art on Tuesday and Thursday and part of Friday. on B days, we will go to music on Tuesday and Thursday and part of Friday.

When is library?

Friday is the day we go for lessons and a longer checkout time. Students may return and check out new books across the week as needed and when there is an opportunity.

My child left a notebook or folder at home. What do I do?

Your child will call to see if you can bring it up to the school. When notebooks or folders come home to be shown, we continue to work in them the next day. When the item is missing, it disrupts our work and typically makes your child worry. We will always come up with a Plan B if you can't bring it, but try to help your child get in the habit of returning items to his/her backpack before bed.

Can my child have a hat or sunglasses for recess?

Absolutely! Your child will be responsible for keeping up with the items so please discuss the possibility for loss or damage before letting them decide to bring them in. At the start of the year, I request no balls from home be brought for recess.

Are the children allowed to bring toys?

There are special days that we allow toys in the classroom. When students win a prize or privilege, that is one of the options. I will always have them write a note in the planner to you or I will email so you know it's approved. No weapon-like toys are allowed. Although we will be careful, please discuss the possibility of loss or damage before allowing an item to join us for the day!

What is PBIS?

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems. For more information, visit the school Resources Website

What is the policy for making up missing work due to an absence?

Your child will be given one school day to make up work for each day he/she was absent. 2 days absent= 2 days to complete work. While sickness can't be helped and I will try to work with you as the days pass, I cannot gather work for students leaving for vacations. Many assignments are for class completion grades and build upon lessons being taught. The district requests that all vacations take place during holidays and other days given off. When your child returns, keep in mind that he/she has a set number of days to complete assignments while lessons in class and work for those lessons will also be expected to be completed. That is a lot to keep up with!

Can I send in birthday treats for my child's birthday? What about invitations?

We love birthdays around here and celebrate them if you do! Donuts, mini brownies, rice crispie treats and cookies are the favored and easy to eat treats for our class. All foods may need to be nut free. We sing and hand out treats at the end of our day. Since this is end of day procedure time, please plan on having lunch with your child instead of coming in for a treat while we are getting ready to go home. It will be too hectic and rushed for special pics.

Birthday invites for the whole class OR for ALL of the girls Or for ALL of the boys are fine to be passed out at school. If your child may only invite a small group, other arrangements will have to be made.

Why does my child have an "M" for a grade? Will that "M" be changed?!?!

An M in the online grade book means that your child is missing an assignment and there is a 0 averaging into grades for that subject. The M will be changed when the work is turned in and I've had a chance to grade it. Sometimes an M will be there a while because I've moved on but have the paper. You should always talk to your child first. They will know if there is an M there. They will know if they've turned it into me. Trust me!

What does an "I" mean in the grade book?

An I means the grade is incomplete. Your child just needed more time to complete the work. It's simply a place holder and isn't calculated into the average. It will be changed when I get a chance to do it. It may take a bit but it WILL happen!!

Why isn't my child's average calculating correctly when I use a calculator at home?

Grades are weighted differently. Daily work has more impact than an assessment score.

What does a Benchmark Grade mean?

A benchmark grade is a DCA (district common assessment). Many times we post the scores for these assessments but only as information for you to see. We use DCA's to help pinpoint areas that still need work or to show how your child is progressing through the year on units that have multiple layers to them. DCA's cannot go home due to use of problems from year to year. You are welcome to come and see what the test looks like but usually your child will be able to tell you a lot about these tests.

Is an "EX" for excused calculated into my child's average?

An excused assignment isn't calculated into your child's average. If we do something that simply can't be replicated, your child will be excused from the work. This is teacher discretion.

How did my child make more than 100% on an assignment or test?

Sometimes children show work that goes beyond what is expected. When that occurs, I like to acknowledge the effort. It's fun to watch a child's eyes widen when they see a 101 or 102 on an assignment! I don't give extra credit work to improve a subject grade.