
This year all of my pieces were able to portray a playful and and youthful feel. With vibrant colors, simplistic shapes, and intricate designs. I usually like to create pieces that have a function, so I can actually use them.

Moriya Perez

One Foxy Lady, 2016

Glossy glaze on low-fire clay

10.6 cm x 7.62 cm

For the One Foxy Lady piece, I wanted to create a plant pot but wanted to create a fun and playful mood to it. So as a result I made the pot into a fox, or a animal that resembles a fox? The orange came out a little more brighter than I had expected, but I think it adds to the youthfulness of the piece. Since this piece wasn't made on the pottery wheel the the shape of the piece is a little unproportional, which I think shows. The walls are uneven bumpy, due to the coiling technique I used, so in the future if I decide to use this technique again, I will more on trying to smooth the wall more.

Moriya Perez

Donuts Are Music to My Ears, 2016

Matte and glossy glaze on low-fire clay

7.62 cm x 5.08 cm

In the piece Donuts Are Music To My Ears, it shows the transition of a music record to a glazed donut. I tried to keep the piece colorful and lively. I tried to come up with similar shapes that relate to donuts that could create a easy transition. I thought that records would be a good fit, and also because I have a keen interest in records. I think I was successful in creating the donuts, but I think that I should have spent more time on creating details for the record disc. I also wanted to create a contrast between the matte and glossy glaze to bring texture to the piece.

Moriya Perez

Cerámica Mexicana, 2017

Underglaze topped with clear gloss overcoat on high-fire clay

5.08 cm x 3.81 cm in diameter (cylinder), 6.35 cm x 12.7 cm in diameter (bowl), 1.778 cm x 15.24 in diameter (plate)

I was able to experiment with the basics of making pottery. I really enjoyed the unit because it had allowed me to experiment with a new clay medium. The project challenged me to work with new techniques and skills I never practiced with before. When surface treating the pieces I was really inspired by Mexican pottery, because I love all the bright, vibrant colors and beautiful, intricate designs. I tried to include these ideas into my artwork and I think that it was pretty successful. Since it was my first time with wheel throwing, I created thick and heavy pieces, which I will keep in mind in the future to create pieces with thinner walls.

Moriya Perez

Flower State of Mind, 2017

Low fire glossy glaze on low fire clay

13.97 cm x 16.51 cm

Artist Statement

For the busted project, I created a bust with flowers sticking out or growing out of the head. The facial expression on the bust has a closed eye, closed mouth look. Kind of as is someone is sleeping. I think the project was really able to challenge me in way where I had to use new techniques and skills that I haven't had to use in a project before as well as come up with solutions to problems that occurred while creating.

In the making of this piece, I had trouble in the beginning stages of making. I had a hard time crafting the chin and cheeks of the bust. It was most helpful for having a actual picture of a person to reference from, luckily my friend volunteered. Working with such a large amount of clay was new and exciting experience for me, but definitely served as difficult task having to hollow and carve into. Also I struggled with creating facial details on the face due to lack of experience, but it did give me a good challenge to work with. I got to use new tools and learn how to create as much symmetry as needed to create the face and its details.

I got the inspiration from this project from the artist Frida Kahlo, because in some picture of her, she can be seen wearing a flower headband or headpiece in her hair, and I really admire all the bright colors and the detail of the flowers. The inspiration for the facial expression just came from the idea of needing to balance out the piece. I wanted to create a facial expression that wouldn't distract or take too much away from the boldness of the flowers on top, so creating a serene facial expression is what I think helps to bring balance to the piece.

This project piece is reflective of all my other artwork because it is able to show the reoccurring theme of playfulness and youth, which can be found throughout all my other pieces. The bright colors on the head are able to provide a sense of youth, while the white color of the bust brings ideas of innocence and purity. My vision for the piece was for the flowers to represent inner and colorful thoughts, and the bare face to represent a outer peace. Showing that those who may seem peaceful on the outside, actually have loud and bold thoughts running through their mind.

Overall the piece Flower State of Mind is able to depict the peaceful and bold aspects of opposite ideas, despite challenges and the struggling of working with new techniques and methods. Inspired by famous artist Frida Kahlo and fashion concepts, with the addition to my own personal style of playfulness and youth.

Moriya Perez

Blue Blue Blue , 2017

Underglaze on low fire clay

20.32 cm x 8.89 cm in diameter

The abstract project, I created a piece inspired by the organic shape of an avocado, also I wanted to create a function piece. I worked with under glaze to create different shades of blue to create a lines to be a whimsical feel to the artwork. I think if I had more time I would paint on the inside of the piece and add more lines.

Moriya Perez

Three's a Crowd

High fire float glazes on high fire clay

7.62 cm x 7.62 cm in diameter

For this project I had the intention of making containers for plants. I experimented with float glazes, and was nervous able layering them at first but I think they turned out great. I like the smooth and polished look of the glazes. I was able to experiment with creating curved cylinders, and need to work on making the cylinder more symmetrical to each other in the future.