Sites Français

Explorez le monde francophone chez vous et améliorez ton français avec les sites au-dessous!

Love music? Get familiar with French artists. 

Current news and articles in French about the francophone world. 

Develop your grammar and vocabulary skills with these easy drills

A question a day is posted on this site to learn about the aspects of life. 

Traveling to France?  How many kisses would you expect when greeting? 

Another site, but in French, that helps you improve your French skills.

A sit-com series created for French Language Learners.

Free access to French films with subtitles. 

International organization for the love of all things French: la francophonie

Seek French classes and events outside of school. 

French Embassy in the US website.  Access to events and programs chez nous. 

Fables in French with quick and easy translation to see if you have understood as you proceed through the story. 

TV5 is a French educational platform to support your learning of French. 

Daily news, articles and comics for French learners.