Mrs. Hougham - Canyon Creek School Counselor

Vision Statement: The Canyon Creek Elementary Comprehensive School Counseling Program will maximize each child’s potential. Each student will become a deeply caring, empathic member of society who takes action to improve the world around them while also being successful academically and in future career endeavors. 

Mission Statement: The Canyon Creek Elementary Comprehensive School Counseling Program will maximize each child’s potential by providing a robust counseling program that is accessible to and meets the needs of every student. The counselor will work collaboratively with campus staff, students, families, and the community to create a positive, supportive environment. Classroom counseling lessons, small group sessions, individual counseling, leadership opportunities, and campus-wide SEL programs are some of the programming utilized to provide opportunities for student growth. 

What does the Canyon Creek Counseling Program Look Like?

There are many facets incorporated in the Canyon Creek Elementary comprehensive developmental guidance program that work in conjunction to support academic, social, and ultimately future career goals. These include:

If you ever have questions about the counseling program, please feel free to contact Sara Hougham!

Site: Canyon Creek ES - Campus Comprehensive School Counseling Program Plan