Allergies / Anaphylaxis

All Epi-Pens in clinic must be in original box with prescription label, non-expired.

All Epi-Pens must be accompanied by an anaphylaxis emergency care plan for the student, signed by parent AND physician

A student may be allowed to self-administer Epi-Pen ONLY if the following conditions have been complied with:

a. Written permission from the physician allowing the student to self-medicate or treat

b. The nurse has counseled the parent and the student on the school’s inability to monitor the student’s health condition during the school day while self-medicating or treating.

c. The student complies with all campus safety policies.

If an Epi-Pen is used at school, EMS will be activated right away

Copy of FARE English (Epi Pen).pdf
Copy of FARE Spanish (Epi Pen).pdf
Copy of Self Med Carry (1).pdf