General Information

* School begins promptly at 7:40 A.M. School doors open at 7:15 am.

Breakfast - 7:15 A.M. - 7:40 A.M.

First Bell rings - 7:35 A.M.

​Second Bell rings - 7:40 A.M.

Lunch - 11:35-12:05.

* K-2 dismisses at 2:50 P.M. If you have a walker your child will be sent out to you. If you have a car rider, your child will be sent out once his/her name is called on the walkie. For the safety of our students and to avoid confusion, please wait outside the building for your child. Car riders should have a name plate with your child's full name, grade, and classroom teacher's name on display on the dashboard.

* Students are to bring their backpack to school each day. It is the student’s responsibility to get all of their belongings to the appropriate place. If you have an urgent note, please place the note in your child's Home Folder. The home folder will come home with your child each night. I will check it in the mornings for notes and forms from home.

* All jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, and backpacks should be labeled with your child’s name. Please make sure to check the Lost and Found if your child's items go missing.

* For SAFETY reasons, please ensure that you or any visitor use the intercom at the main entrance to contact the front office staff.

* Please keep me up-to-date on any changes to your address, e-mail, and phone number in case of emergency.


Q: Should my child bring a snack?

A: We encourage students to bring a dry, healthy snack each day.(Ex. goldfish, pretzels, grapes) You are responsible for sending snacks for your own child due to the state mandated “Food of Minimal Nutritional Value” (FMNV) law. Please remember that snack is a brief time in our classroom. Your child should bring only 1 small item that does not require any type of utensil.

Q: Can my child bring a water bottle?

A: Water bottles are greatly encouraged to keep students hydrated throughout the day.

Q: My child is going home a different way today--what do I do?

A: If your child is going home a different way, please email/text me or call the front office. Otherwise, no matter what your child tells us, we are required to send them home the way you established at the beginning of the year.

Q: Can I bring birthday treats?

A: Yes. We will celebrate birthdays at 2:30 P.M. I encourage you to send easy-to-eat treats such as cookies since our time for celebrating is very short.

Q: Can my child pass out birthday invitations?

A: Your child may pass out birthday invitations at school, provided there is an invitation for every child in the classroom. If not everyone in the class will be invited, invitations MUST be delivered outside of school/school hours.

Q: How should I send money to school?

A: It is best to send money in a sealed envelope or baggy with your child's name, grade level, teacher's name, and purpose for the money in order for it to be readily accountable.