Fees and Payments

Chromebook Fees & Payments:

Need a new charger or chromebook? 

STEP 1:  Contact the ITS to determine the cost to purchase a replacement charger or device OR of a repair requiring a fee. The ITS will give you the amount to pay based on the table below from the 2023-2024 Chromebook Use Agreement. Printable instructions can be found here. 

STEP 2:  Make payment via cash or check at our front office (with the receptionist) OR you can pay online. 

To pay online, go to this website and select the correct option to add to your cart. Complete the purchase process. 

STEP 3:  Show proof of payment to the ITS in B111 to pick up your replacement charger or Chromebook.

Email CRHSTechnology@roundrockisd.org for further assistance.