Callison's Got Talent

3rd Annual Callison's Got Talent

What: All students are welcome to share ANY school appropriate talent (singing, dancing, martial arts, gymnastics, art, magic, comedy, etc…) that is no longer than 4 minutes. Judges will choose the best acts to perform in the school wide talent show. All talents should be prepared and practiced prior to auditions.

When: Tuesday, May 19th, 2020.

Bring: Any props you need for your talent. I can search Youtube for songs or you can bring music if you would like.

Audition Information: Talent Show information packets and permission slips will be available beginning (TBD) Auditions will be (TBD) after school in the music room. Please plan on staying for the entire audition time on the day you choose to audition.

How do I get to be in the talent show? At auditions, the judges will grade you (using a rubric as posted below) to determine if you will be performing in the talent show. You will be graded on preparedness, originality, skill level, stage presence and appropriate material. Results of the talent show will be posted on (TBD) and students who make it will receive a congratulations slip that day as well.

What if I make it? We will hold three (3) mandatory after school rehearsals prior to the talent show. Rehearsal dates TBD.

Talent Show Audition Rubric.docx