Visit the Counselor

Visit the School Counselor

The School Counselor's Office is Room 141 and is located in the Main Hallway

Referral Process

Any student can request to meet with the school counselor or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent.

Student: Any student who wishes to speak with the school counselor is encouraged to do so. Students can ask their teacher, approach the counselor directly, or slide a note under her door.

Parents and Teachers: When referring a student you may email:

Ms. Barrera at ,or

Mrs. Taylor at (Mrs. Taylor is on campus all day Monday and Fridays and Wednesdays 1/2 day form 8-12:00 noon)

or drop a note at the main office, or call the counseling office Ms. Barrera at 512-428-7737 or Mrs. Taylor at 512-428-7784 and feel free to leave a message on this confidential line.

**Please note-- if your referral is an urgent matter, call the counseling office at 512-428-7737 or the main office at 512-428-7700.