Bluebonnet Counselors / Consejeras


Greetings! Thank you for visiting the counseling website for Bluebonnet Elementary!

During this time of hybrid learning, you are welcome to contact us directly via email or phone.

We will be frequently checking our emails Monday thru Friday

Alma Barrera (full time) Sonia Taylor (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri- 9-2)

(512) 428-7737 (512) 942-7772

Round Rock ISD Counseling Mission:

The mission of RRISD school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development to all students.

Professional School Counselors:

  • provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement

  • facilitate the support system to ensure all students in RRISD have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and skills at the highest level to be contributing members of a diverse community

  • abide by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counselor Association

  • participate in professional development activities essential to maintain a quality school counseling program

Our BBE Core Counseling Beliefs:

  • All children are unique and should be treated with respect, love and dignity.

  • Every child is an individual with unique needs whom with the support required can reach his or her full potential.

  • All children need to learn appropriate personal, emotional and social skills to achieve optimum mental health.

  • School counseling services are not a support benefit but an integral element of a comprehensive educational plan.

  • A collaborative partnership between school, home and the community is essential in children's development.

  • A comprehensive and developmentally appropriate school counseling program provides important benefits to all students by addressing their intellectual, emotional, social, physical, career, academic and psychological needs.

  • It is essential for the school counselor to seek professional development that enhances his or her repertoire of counseling skills to be knowledgeable on how to effectively support every student’s social, emotional and academic development to pursue desired life goals.