
Strough Bands

Mrs. Anne Gannon

Prep Band

Concert Band

ENSEMBLE CLASSES: Each ensemble meets every other day

LESSONS are approximately once a week pending number of students in the program. Students are placed into an appropriate lesson group based on instrument type and ability. Lessons are scheduled on a rotational schedule around the ensemble periods.

STUDENT NEEDS: pencil, instrument, supplies for their own instrument {reeds, oils, cleaners, mallets and sticks}, and Essential Elements Lesson book 1 and book 2

CONCERTS: 3 required school concerts in the evening [Winter / All City / Spring]; and concert band also performs at the city tree lighting ceremony

EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES: City tree lighting ceremony, Pep Band, All County Auditions & Festival and NYSSMA Solo Festival.

Grades: This is different from elementary school in that you receive a grade for every lesson / ensemble rehearsal and concert.