What is the RTC?

RTC refers to the Responsible Thinking Classroom (a physical location), whilst RTP refers to the Responsible Thinking Process (the process students participate in whilst inside the RTC).

Mercy College utilises the Responsible Thinking Process to help guide behaviour education strategies. RTP is designed to intervene before a student's behaviour intensifies in order to help student's learn self-control.

The RTC provides an opportunity for students to learn how to modify their behaviour. We believe that behaviour is a concept that is taught, just like many other subjects, and sometimes students need time and space to get their head around the impact of their behaviour.

RTC is a space to learn responsibility, self-control, and devise strategies for positive life choices.

Common misconceptions about the RTC

Parents sometimes struggle to differentiate between RTC as a place of learning rather than a detention room. In short, RTC is not:

  1. A place for 'naughty' students to go to

  2. A means of punishment

  3. A detention

  4. A sign that the students enrolment is being questioned

  5. An opportunity for students to get out of doing classwork

Why might my child be referred to the RTC?

A student disrupts when they interrupt the learning of others and/or the teacher and also, if they create a safety hazard for themselves or others.

An example of some behaviours which might result in an RTC referral include:

  • breach of safety rules

  • disrespect towards teachers

  • defiance

  • not following instructions

  • inappropriate language

  • misuse / inappropriate use of technology

  • talking

  • arriving late to class

  • calling out / shouting

Why does it appear that my child attends RTC so often?

A student may be referred a number of times for varying reasons and from different classes. Once referred to the RTC students spend time developing ways to achieve their goals while also respecting the learning environment.

RTC is a place for students to learn new behaviours; some students take longer to learn certain behaviours than others and therefore may be referred more often than others.

If you are concerned that your child is attending the RTC too often please contact the RTP Coordinator to arrange a suitable time to discuss the referrals.

Why is my child being referred to the RTC for minor behavioural things?

The Responsible Thinking Process is designed to intervene before a student's behaviour intensifies in order to help the student remain engaged in the classroom.

Each individual disruption may vary due to perceptual differences and some will be open to interpretation. This is why classroom expectations for each class are made clear and constructed with the students at the beginning of each semester. Included in this would be specific examples of disruptions that may occur.

Referring a student to the RTC provides an opportunity for the student to reorganise their thinking and adjust their behaviour accordingly.

It helps them responsibility, self control and strategies to make positive life choices.

I don't want my child to miss any class work.

Parents often feel concerned about the amount of classwork their child is missing while in the RTC. However, we encourage parents to recognise that if their child is not engaged in the classroom then there is a good chance they are not concentrating on the work.

Our focus is for students to learn how to make responsible choices in the classroom so that when they are in class they can focus on learning and achieving their goals.

Students are also encouraged to make a plan for how they will catch up on the missed work.

What is an Automatic Referral?

On some occasions, a breach of expectations is more serious, and will result in an automatic referral to the Responsible Thinking Classroom.

Examples of automatic referrals include:

  • serious breaches of safety expectations/dangerous behaviour

  • third time late to class

  • refusal to engage in the questioning process

  • disrespect towards teacher eg. swearing at a teacher/ violent behaviour etc

  • disruption during an exam

  • leaving the classroom without permission

  • serious breach of technology/College ICT Agreement & Expectations (inappropriate content, filming, etc)

  • damaging school property (graffiti, destruction etc)

Why do I need to sign my child's diary?

The student’s diary will be stamped each time they attend the RTC and is required to be signed by a parent each time.

If the diary has not been signed the student is asked to call home and notify a parent.

This is done to give the student an opportunity to take responsibility for their behaviour and to ensure parents or guardians are aware of the time their child is spending in the RTC.