Teaching and Learning @RVHS

ACED Teaching & Learning- Our vision 

At RVHS when it comes to Teaching and Learning our expectations ARE high. All lessons will encourage ASPIRATION, instil RESPECT and help all pupils ENDEAVOUR to realise their full potential, through developing a life-long love of learning.

Teaching and Learning is at the heart of everything thing we do and we understand that if we get this right, our students will make best progress possible and enjoy their time at RVHS.

As a school, we have decided that the best lessons have 4 core ingredients-

We have implemented our ACED T&L framework as we strongly believe it contains the fundamental ingredients to deliver a successful lesson that can help students from all abilities to progress. All of our students deserve lessons which are pitched at the right level for them whilst providing opportunity and the guidance to help them realise their amazing potential. We want lesson’s that allow all involved to be creative, prepares our students for modern life and not only inspires them, but allows them to make outstanding progress through loving what they learn.

Our framework is purposefully simple & straightforward. We believe that excellent lessons can come in all shapes and sizes and that all teachers should have their own style. The framework allows for this perfectly. If lessons contain some element of our 4 core elements then our students will progress.

We ARE excited for the future and know that as we become even more in-tune with our philosophy, the most important people will benefit, our students.

Adam Miah | Assistant Headteacher – Teaching and Learning


At RVHS, we are passionate about developing our students into life long learners. We have a huge focus at the moment on developing the reading and writing skills of our students. We believe that these skills underpin success throughout our students lives.

Not only do we want our students to be keen readers and writers, but we also want them to be equipped with subject specific skills in all of their subject areas so that they are provided with the choice, if they so want it, to study that subject at A-Level and beyond; this is why our subject skill and content mapping has been so important.

We also strive for our students to be independent learners. This is not an easy task. To do this we have and will continue to provide our students with the necessary study and revision skills that they can call upon throughout their educational lives. This must start at an early age and not only be encouraged through revision, but also through continued study habits that begin in Year 7.

Contents of this Website

This webpage is dedicated to the Teaching and Learning provision at RVHS. Staff, students and parents can use this website to access:

RVHS Subject Curriculum Mapping

RVHS tried and tested Revision and Study techniques 

RVHS ACED Teaching and Learning Tips 

RVHS CPD information 

RVHS coaching information

RVHS feedback not marking provision 

RVHS Home Learning Provision

RVHS Literacy Provision

RVHS SEND & EAL Provision