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3rd Grade GATE HSS Overview
HSS Weekly Overview: Trimester 2

FAQs - History-Social Studies

What do I do if I want more specifics about when my child’s teacher is teaching a particular unit?

Each trimester, elementary teachers/grade levels will share an overview of what HSS content they will be teaching each week. However, this may change based on the instructional and time challenges encountered by each teacher. If you want more specific information about what your child's teacher is teaching and when, please reach out to them directly. Teachers have been instructed to respond to parent questions about curricula within 48 hours.

What if I don’t want my child to participate in a specific lesson?

Parents always have the option to remove their child from school. However, unless the child is removed for illness or a medical appointment, it will count as a unexcused absence/tardy in their attendance record.

Since HSS is mandatory curriculum in the State of California, alternative curriculum and instruction is not available.

How can I be assured that my teacher will teach a specific topic at the time he/she says, especially if I do not want my child to participate?

Once you have the grade level curricula overviews and timeline, we encourage you to communicate with your child's teacher directly with specific questions about when content will be taught. Teachers have been instructed to respond to parent questions about the curriculum within 48 hours.

Will my student be penalized through a class assignment or homework assignment or test if they are not present for a lesson?

HSS is not a graded content area in elementary school. However, they may miss an in class writing assignment or quiz based on the daily content. Per typical absence policy, this assignment could be made up when the student returns to class.

The content for which I object to my child seeing is in one part of the weekly materials only. While I’m okay with the rest of the materials, I do not want my student to access this. Can it be removed?

No, RUSD can not remove a portion of the weekly curriculum. All parts of the curriculum are required and approved by the State of California. Removing parts of the curriculum based on parent request would be difficult and potentially discriminatory.

Will my child be penalized if I remove him/her from school on days I know there is instruction going on for which I object to him/her seeing?

Parents always have the option to remove their child from school. However, unless the child is removed for illness or a medical appointment, it will count as a unexcused absence/tardy in their attendance record. This being said, if your child regularly has strong attendance, it would not result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

What if my student is bullied because of his/her non participation in class?

RUSD has a strong anti-bully stance and specific curriculum, pedagogy, and disciplinary actions to address bullying in any form. If your child is bullied for non participation (or any other reason), please report this to your child's teacher or the principal immediately so that is can be addressed and mitigated.

What if my student’s teacher does not communicate with me regarding my questions about specific timing of instruction?

Teachers have been instructed to respond to parent questions about curricula within 48 hours. If you are having difficulty getting a response from your child's teacher, please contact the school principal.

What if a teacher teaches something out of order when he/she has communicated otherwise, and it is something for which I object?

Please share your concerns with the teacher.

What if I don’t want my student to have access to online materials?

Many important and engaging aspects of the curriculum are part of the online program component. For this reason, students may be required to use the online portion of the curriculum during the instructional day. After school hours or at home, it is recommended you set clear expectations about what your child is allowed to access online and/or monitor their use of online applications and tools.