
This year we will be using the curriclum In Focus to help students develop their social and emotional intelligence. Students use this critical form of intelligence to successfully navigate the challenges, relationships, and experiences they will encounter throughout their school years and later in life.

In Focus will help your student do the following:

  • Improve their intellectual development and academic performance
  • Elevate their awareness, management, and expression of feelings
  • Develop focusing and attention skills
  • Improve the ability to calm and soothe themselves
  • Reduce bullying and impulsive behavior
  • Improve listening and communication skills
  • Learn how to deal with conflict and stress
  • Elevate self-esteem and confidence
  • Strengthen social skills
  • Increase sensitivity and empathy
  • Build self-reflection and self-awareness skills
  • Develop problem-solving skills
  • Improve teamwork and collaboration skills