Rachael Baumgartner

Therapy Animals

Major: Early Childhood Studies

Hometown: Ortonville, MI


Social-emotional competence is a significant factor in school and life-long success. Unfortunately, young children sometimes face traumatic experiences that can initiate strong emotions and physical reactions that can persist long after the event. Therapy animals help children by putting smiles on their faces and helping them heal from the traumatic event. If a child has not experienced a traumatic event the child can use this time with the animals to learn about them or help with any kind of support that they may need. It is important to teach children effective coping skills to deal with their strong emotions. There are many benefits of having therapy animals available to help alleviate anxiety and stress in young children. Grant funds will be used to have therapy animals visit the classrooms at Cliff and Jean’s Early Learning Center. When the therapy animals visit the classrooms, their presence will help with the anxiety and stress a child may experience and can assist in helping the children focus and get ready to learn. Therapy animals not only help bring smiles to the children and adults there, but having therapy animals in this early childhood classroom will also help the children that have never been around animals not to be afraid of them. Animal-assisted therapy is known to have many positive effects on people of all ages and their visits to this early childhood program will support the social and emotional development of the children in the program.