Rochester School District Parent Tech Resources

RSD Families,

The purpose of this site is to provide learning resources for RSD students. Above you will notice that each building has a page and on that page are links to different resources for students to use. We will be adding more resources as they come available.

K-8 students with internet access should be using Clever ( to access to access a signal sign on dashboard. Once they are are logged into Clever using their Google username and password they can access things like i-Ready and Epic.

I-Ready online for K-8 students is most likely best option for students to work on English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students K-8 have used this program for the last 2 years and understand how it works. Students took placement tests in i-Ready this past fall and again this winter and the information from those tests place students according to skills and abilities. The program will have them work on skills that are most needed by each student.

Do you need technology help? Student Logins?

Tips for Parents

MAKE A PLAN together with your child on how to spend their time at home and when they will work on their learning activities. It can be helpful to put the plan in writing and post it somewhere visible. As you make the plan, follow any guidance you received from your child’s teacher on what they should work on.

SHARE the experience with your child. Both of you can become familiar with the different parts of the student dashboard, and you can learn with your child as they complete a lesson.

ENCOURAGE your child to take each lesson and quiz question seriously. Emphasize “thinking before clicking,” because just clicking through will not be a productive use of their time nor reflect what your child actually knows. Remind your child to read passages in their entirety, use paper and pencil to solve math problems, and use the tools that appear at the bottom of the screen in some lessons.

Routines are important at this time

Students are used to routines, especially during the school year. With the abrupt change in routines your student may be out of sorts. It is important to establish routines and procedures during this time at home. Sit down with your student(s) and decide what this time will look like daily. The sooner you are able to set things up the sooner you can get to a normal. In my own house we are working on keeping the same bedtime and similar morning routine before starting school work. We are making sure to put breaks into the day as even during the school day students get small breaks every 20-50 minutes depending on their age. Their brains can only stay engaged so long before it is needed. Here is a resource with examples of daily schedules.


Timberland Library has lots of books available for online checkout. The books can be downloaded right from home.

Ideally students should read - or be read to- for about an hour a day. Split this into 15-minute segments for younger students. Older students benefit from being allowed to choose what to read.