

Geometry and Global Optimality 

Many optimization problems in robotics are characterized by a non-convex landscape stemming from both the costs and constraints which makes the problems hard to solve optimally. Thankfully, specific problem structure often allows the use of tools from globally optimal and Riemannian optimization.  

Speed and Scale

Real-time requirements and long-horizon planning impose stringent demands on the efficiency and scalability of deployed solvers. To meet these demands, solvers may exploit structure-specific sparsity, reuse prior computations through warm-starting, or exploit parallelism and in particular GPU acceleration.  

Differentiable Optimization

Model-based optimization and deep-learned architectures are both essential components of modern robotics pipelines. Differentiable optimization and simulation, respectively, enables their seamless integration, as optimization layers and simulators can be included in end-to-end learned pipelines and their parameters can be trained jointly with the neural network parameters to optimize a higher-level task.

Optimization Through Contact

Capturing friction, collisions, impacts, and hysteresis contributes to more accurate predictions, but often at the cost of dealing with nonsmooth dynamical systems. Different approaches can handle such loss of regularity, exploiting problem structures, principled regularizations, or task-specific knowledge and learning.

Target speakers and audience

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