
How do we do what we do?

In the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC, we aim to take comprehensive approach to dismanting racism in our midst. Infused into each action of the Antiracism ministry are the following tenets...

Education and Conciousness Raising...

Share knowledge about what racism is and does

Faith Formation and Nurture...

Cultivate faith which calls out injustice and strengthens resolve for antiracist action


Bring attention to injustice through available means

Reflection and Assessment...

Evaluate actions to measure efectiveness

What is Antiracism?

Antiracism is not a new term. It has been used in the academy for at least two decades to classify efforts to dismantle racism.

In this country, racism can be further qualified as white supremacy. This recognizes that in this country, white skinned supremacy is the construct which is chief instigator of marginalization of Black people, Indidgonous people, Asian people, Middle Eastern people, Latinx people, and all people who’s phenotype and social orientations have not been accepted into the construct of whiteness.