Antiracism Ministry Team

Antiracism Ministry Team Charter

(Presented to the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC Board of Directors April 28, 2022)


In 2020, in response to the lynching murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN by law enforcement, the Rev. Sue Artt, Conference Minister of the Rocky Mountain Conference, gathered several individuals to envision an apt and efficacious response to the violent manifestations of white skinned supremacy in our midst.

The Racial Justice Discernment Team, comprised of the following persons: Rev. Sue Artt, Rev. Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, Rev. Corbin Tobey-Davis, Rev. Chris Gilmore, Rev, Erin Gilmore, Rev. Kay Grice, Rev. Tracey Perry, Rev. Dr. Anthony Scott, Rev. Pedro Silva, and Rev. Clare Twomey met weekly to collectively discern the will of God and the movement of Spirit in our midst.

Out of this gathering, a proposal was developed and presented to the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC to create a "Ministry Team," and a Associate Conference Minister position to forward the work of Creating a sustainable culture of antiracism in the Rocky Mountain Conference.

The Rev. Dr. Anthony Scott was called as Associate Conference Minister in the spring of 2021 and charged to envision a comprehensive ministry of antiracism for the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC; curate the Antiracism Ministry Team, and tend to the general duties of an Associate Conference Minister in the Conference.

We exist because the blood of our brother George Floyd cried out from the ground of Minneapolis, MN. We exist because God is a God of Justice, Righteousness, and Peace. We exist because God calls us to the work of caring for those whose lives have been made marginal by oppressive forces. We exist to Disrupt, Discredit, and Dismantle racism.

Vision/ Purpose

The Antiracism Ministry team of the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC exists to foster and sustain antiracist beloved community.


The Antiracism Ministry Team of the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ seeks to educate, empower, and compel individuals and congregations to become anti-racist and engage anti-racist action as an expression of deliberative Christian faith and practice.


We strive to foster anti-racist community through relationship, education, programming, and actions of protest and solidarity for the just and equitable treatment of black people, indigenous people, and people of color.


The team will be comprised of 5-15 persons, lay and clergy, which represent each of the associations within the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ.


The Antiracism Ministry Team shall, per Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC bylaws (section 7.4), follow accountability standards outlined therein.

• Meeting at least three times per year

• Provide a written report of our activities to the Annual Celebration

• RMC Board liaison