Selection Criteria

Selection is the process of deciding whether an item will be a valuable addition to the collection. Criteria, or the standards used to evaluate items, are a major component of selecting materials. Library media materials that are provided for the use of students and staff will be evaluated, selected and reviewed prior to purchase. This provides that only those library media materials deemed appropriate by professional judgement and are the very best instructional and reference materials be used in the schools.

The evaluation and selection process must ensure the following:

  • Materials are relevant to the curriculum.
  • The range of new materials reflects the multicultural composition of the county or district
  • Materials do not contain bias or stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic factors, or disability.
  • The variety of material is sufficient to meet the needs and interests of all students and reflects the range of topics covered in the curriculum.
  • A determined effort is made to provide materials that present all points of view concerning current problems and issues.
  • Materials are chosen with consideration for the developmental level of students to be exposed to them as well as the general community standards concerning materials that may be considered immoral, obscene, or undesirable.

If you have an item you would like the librarian to consider for purchase click here Request Form