Questions / Answers

General Questions

Q: Can we come to you for outside help if we are struggling?
A: 100% Yes!

Q: What is the best way to contact you if a student had a question about an assignment, lesson, etc?
A: First seek me out in class; next, let's talk during AP; then before / after school or via email or other digital methods.

Q: How do we sign up for Academic Prep help?
A: Using the pink clipboard that is hanging on the chalkboard. You can also drop me an email by 9:00AM if you can't get to the clipboard.

Q: Are students required to subscribe to your Google Calendar?
A: The requirement is that you know how to access your courses' Google Calendar. You can view the calendar directly on the website or by subscribing to the calendar so you easily access it through your Calendar Phone App or Calendar Google Page. The Google Calendar is your "go to" resource for everything related to our daily class objectives. As mentioned in the video, the Google Calendar strategy may be different from other teachers' methods; Mr. Naylor is exposing his students to a practical and productive tool that works great in the classroom and that students may choose to use more in the personal life, especially after high school.

Q: How exactly will you be using Schoology?
A: Schoology will be one of our digital tools, but you will find the Google Calendar to be the primary hub for links and assignments. We will use Schoology to communicate lessons and links during Remote Instructional Days (FID / snow days etc.) and when necessary, Schoology will be used for special activities during the school year.

Q: Is this a digital class? Are we required to install the apps that you have posted in the Technology Tool Belt?
A: This is not exclusively a digital class. All digital tools are provided and linked to help you create a digital plan. However you decide to navigate any digital requirements is ultimately up to you. When in school, your Chromebook, access to your courses' Google Calendar and Schoology will be the only required digital tools.

Q: Are the "Problem of the Month" activities optional or required.
A: Optional. Small bonus opportunity.

Honors Calculus

Q: How different is high school calculus going to be from calculus taken at a college.
A: Our content, assignments and tests are very very similar to a first year College Calculus Course. But don’t take my word… listen to what a former student said. “Mr. Naylor, I’m finishing my first year of calculus @ PSU. The structure and expectations of our class was nearly identical to what you taught us @ Red Lion.” ~ RL Graduate Class of 2017 in a conversation during visit to Subway (eat fresh.)

Q: Are "assignments" similar to the homework I did last year?
A: They are probably more different than similar. The only thing that may feel the same is that you are solving math problems. But your approach and ultimate goals should be significantly different with assignments this year. Each assignment will require between 1 and 3 hours of time and you want to complete each problem as if it is going to be graded for correctness. Each assignment will be turned in and graded because they are the primary way you will ultimately learn the Calculus material.

Q: What is Evernote?
A: Evernote is a phone or computer app that we use to easily share voice memos with Mr. Naylor. Periodically throughout a chapter, you will be required to submit an Evernote Voice Memo where you will explain the why behind the significant steps you performed for an assignment problem. We will get this set up during the first two weeks of school.

Q: Does it matter if I took CP or Honors Trigonometry last year?
A: Former students would say that it does not matter. What does matter is that you are willing to fully commit to learning Calculus this year. There are numerous trigonometry concepts (sine / cosine / etc) that you must apply this year... but don't worry, we will review the main ideas again. (If you determine that you are still not understanding trigonometry concepts, then you will want to seek additional help from Mr. Naylor.)

Honors Trigonometry

Q: The mini checks… are they like a quiz?
A: Mini checks are little 5–15 minute open note quizzes that mirror lecture and homework problems from the past several days. They are almost always given and completed in class. If you keep up with homework / lessons, you will do fine on mini checks.

Q: Do we have to upload a PDF of our homework to Schoology every time we have it?
A: No. You would only upload your homework if you are absent and
choose to submit it remotely. Otherwise, homework is randomly checked in class as a pencil / paper check at your desk .

Q: What amount of student on student and teacher on teacher interactions will there be?
A: I hope there will be a lot of both. Students usually say that the more they get involved in the class, the more they learn and the more they help others learn. If you are not comfortable with those interactions, then I trust you will find other ways to maximize your learning.

Q: If an assignment is three days late would it be put into the gradebook as a zero?
A: Essentially, yes. However, since it is a 33% deduction for each day late, you would still receive 1% of the points if it is 3 days late.

Q: Do we do any partner work?
A: There will be a number of times that working with others is encouraged. There are a few times when working with a group is required. However, ALL grades are ultimately earned based on individual performance.

Q: If you are truly stumped on a question in homework and you try to solve it to the best of your ability, but it is not right, will the point be taken away.
A: Yes, but this shouldn’t create extreme anxiety. No student who truly works hard on their homework has ever reported that they always lose points. The “random question correctness check” is to help you become the best student you possibly can become.

Q: How often will we be using a graphing calculator? Is this something I should invest in for this class and future courses?
A: Many students discover that this is the year to make the investment in a graphing calculator, especially if you plan to pursue math and/or science studies beyond high school. You might considering shopping for a used calculator from a popular buy/sell app. I’ve picked up fully functioning TI-83Plus calculators for 1/3 of the new price for all of my sons on used online market places.

Q: Are Problem of the Month, Flex Questions, and Marking Period Problems all different?
A: Yes, they are all different.
POM – Optional Bonus (on your own time)
Flex Questions – required; extension questions directly related to the weekly topics (normally completed in class)
MPP – required; 3 per mp (every 3 weeks) Normally require a combination of mathematical reasoning, logic, diagraming etc. (on your own time)

Q: Homework, Assignments, Tests, Problem Sets? How many? How long?
A: See explanation below
Nightly Homework
On average, 15–30 minutes 4 days per week; practice, extensions and continued learning
On average, 30–60 minutes approx 2 per unit; graded for correctness; synthesis, analysis and extensions of multiple topics
Units Tests
3 per marking period.
Problem Sets
(Quigley's Quandaries) These have been replaced with periodic flex questions and assignments (There is 1 exception.)

CP Algebra 2

Q: Will this course be hard?
A: Students almost always say that if you pay attention in class and work on the nightly homework, you will succeed.

Q: How much homework do you give?
A: Homework is normally given after a daily lesson / lecture. The homework usually takes 10-20 minutes and it will either by printed on the back of the notes sheet or given in digital form as an image or PDF.

Q: How is Algebra 2 different from Algebra 1?
A: Algebra 2 will certainly continue to use and discuss fundamental Algebra 1 concepts,. but nearly every day, we will extend those ideas to solve more complicated problems and soon we will begin discussing brand new concepts that you never saw in Algebra 1. Get ready, because here we go!