Weight Classes IESA
Weight Classes for Middle School Wrestling (IESA)
Weight Classes for Middle School Wrestling (IESA)
Athletes must be under the listed weight (or exact at it) to wrestling in that weight class
Athletes must be under the listed weight (or exact at it) to wrestling in that weight class
65 lbs
70 lbs
75 lbs
80 lbs
85 lbs
90 lbs
95 lbs
100 lbs
105 lbs
112 lbs
119 lbs
126 lbs
135 lbs
145 lbs
155 lbs
167 lbs
185 lbs
215 lbs
275 lbs
Wrestlers will weigh in before each competition to confirm their weigh to the referees and coaching staff.
Wrestlers can be bumped up 1 weight class above their normal class, but no further. "Cutting weight" (rapid/unhealthy weight loss) is not condoned by our coaching staff or IESA. It is recommended that wrestlers find a comfortable weight to maintain safely throughout the season.