Panther Coaches’ Collective Commitments

  • It is imperative that we coach with a transformational purpose that nurtures successful people, not just successful athletes. Our goals, behaviors, interactions, and communications should reflect our purpose.

  • We will remember that parents are a stakeholder in the journey. We strive to work with each family to help their child succeed. We will provide clear communication regarding purpose, goals, guidelines, athlete role, and athlete evaluation.

  • Our athletes are student-athletes, we are teacher-coaches, we hold ourselves to the same standards on the field as we do in the classroom.

  • We know the difference between shaming and coaching. No shaming, swearing, or sarcasm. (regulated thermostats, not boiling thermometers)

  • We know that creating a culture for athletes to communicate with us openly is imperative to their growth as people. We will coach our athletes to self-advocate and speak up in a constructive and appropriate manner.

  • We are not afraid to apologize and reconcile mistakes. We all make them. When a mistake is made publicly, we apologize publicly; when mistakes are made personally, we apologize personally.

  • We will treat opposing coaches and teams with the honor true competitors deserve. We will accept defeat graciously and victory humbly.

  • We will treat all referees, officials, and game managers with the utmost respect. They are imperfect and trying their best, just as we are.

  • Regardless of our wins and losses, we will be successful if we carry out the above items.

  • Playing time is not always equal, but each athlete is a part of our Panther community and will be provided the same level of respect, care, and communication as any other athlete. It is our job to ensure that each athlete knows where they stand and what role they play on our teams.

Because I am a role model who has the power, position, and platform to make a positive difference in the lives of my players, I commit to these collective commitments. When failing to live up to our standards, I will allow for accountability and take responsibility for my actions.