
Homework Policy:

Homework is given to support learning done in class, to give students the opportunity to practice or deepen their understanding of concepts.

1).  Homework must be completed in on time.

2).  Homework not completed on time will be done in addition to the next night's homework.  

*The same applies for incomplete or sloppy work.

3).  Homework counts as part of your grade, if it is not completed on time a '0' goes in the grade book.  A check is given once the work is completed, however the '0' is not removed.

 Homework Week of 10/2/23

Monday 5/20 

Reading - Read 20 minutes

Spelling - 


Math - 

Science - 

Social Studies -  

Tuesday 5/21

Reading - Read 20 minutes

Spelling - 


Math - 

Science - 

Social Studies - 

Wednesday 5/22

Reading -  Read 20 minutes

Spelling - 

Vocabulary - 

Math - 

Science - 

Social Studies - 

Thursday 5/23

Reading - Read 20 minutes

Spelling -  

Vocabulary -


Science -

Social Studies -  

Friday 5/24

Reading - Read 20 minutes

Spelling - 

Vocabulary -

Math -

Science -

Social Studies -