Environmental Commission News

The purpose of this page is to share any information we receive from the town Environmental Commission on activities and events that may be of interest to our school community. Please continue to check here for the latest information or the town's website.

Upcoming events and events

Dear Concerned Citizens,

Below you will find a flyer and the link to register for another amazing free event at the River Edge Public Library. Please consider joining Stacey Antine and members of the River Edge Environmental Commission on Saturday, March 7th at 2:00 pm to explore the topic of Food Waste Reduction. Americans waste an estimated 30-40% of our food supply. Come and learn some small things that can help you make a big difference. This program would be an excellent opportunity for student activists, scouts and scout leaders and just about everyone else who buys, prepares or eats food!

Please share this flyer and help us spread the word!

Laura and Bonnie

RE Environmental Protection Commission