Important Information

Classroom Rules:

Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Take care of this place. -Margaret Wheatley


Please be advised that we are not able to celebrate birthdays in school with food.   

*Please note that invitations cannot be distributed in school.  


Every day the children will be taking approximately 10 minutes for a brief snack break.  If you would like, please send your child to school with a small snack and drink.  We encourage you to send your child with a healthy snack such as fruit, vegetables, crackers, pretzels, etc. and a drink.  When working with your child in choosing their snack, please keep in mind some students have serious food allergies.  Snacks should be packed separately from your child's lunch, labeled with your child's name, and should have all neccessary items e.g. spoons, napkins, etc.  If you have any questions, please let me know.


The students will be going outside at recess so please make sure you dress appropriately.  Please make sure you label everything-we all seem to shop at the same stores!  :)  

Dismissal-Lunch and After School:

You have selected a dismissal procedure as well as a selection for where you'd like your child to eat lunch.  If there is ever a change in whom your child will go home with or how he/she/they will get there, you must notify me with a note or an email (or a call to the main office if your child's dismissal procedure changes mid-day for the current day as I am not always able to read emails during the  school day)!  If I do not receive notification regarding a change, your child will follow the choice made on the forms in the beginning of the year.  

Missing School:

If your child will be absent from school please make sure you call their absence in to Mrs. Johnston.  If you know in advance that your child will be out, please notify the school as early as possible.  Please provide a note regarding the reason for your child's absence when they return to school.  If you are requesting missed work it will be dropped off at the office after I dismiss all the children at 3:00


For the most part, each night (with the exception of Fridays) your 3rd grader(s) is/are expected to read for 30 minutes, and will have a math sheet to complete.  The math sheet is due the next day.  Every other week he/she/they will get a spelling packet on Monday to complete by Friday.   Homework is posted to the "Homework" page on our class website AND is written in your child(ren)'s planner.