Teacher Resource Hub
Explore this site for upcoming opportunities, how-to videos, and resources to report your Testing the Waters data.
Explore this site for upcoming opportunities, how-to videos, and resources to report your Testing the Waters data.
Curious about getting your students involved in Testing the Waters and need a place to start? Contact Mary Holleback at 262-375-2715.
Curious about getting your students involved in Testing the Waters and need a place to start? Contact Mary Holleback at 262-375-2715.
Upcoming Deadlines
Upcoming Deadlines
Please submit your DATA, end of the year EVALUATION and a STIPEND REPORT (if you qualified) by June 1st. Applications for next year's stipends are due by Oct. 15th.Remember to follow the safety guidelines outlined in the Mitchell & Stapp Field Manual.
Please submit your DATA, end of the year EVALUATION and a STIPEND REPORT (if you qualified) by June 1st. Applications for next year's stipends are due by Oct. 15th.Remember to follow the safety guidelines outlined in the Mitchell & Stapp Field Manual.
Deeper Dive Map Layer
Deeper Dive Map Layer
Riveredge partnered with Reflo, a nonprofit based in Milwaukee, to create a "Deeper Dive," a digital mapping extension that is designed to enhance the Testing the Waters place-based environmental science program. The map was recently published and shared with a pilot group of teachers at the Fall Training. The current version of the map along with additional resources can be found below and accessed via GOOGLE EARTH for desktop (more interactive) or via WEBMAPs.
Riveredge partnered with Reflo, a nonprofit based in Milwaukee, to create a "Deeper Dive," a digital mapping extension that is designed to enhance the Testing the Waters place-based environmental science program. The map was recently published and shared with a pilot group of teachers at the Fall Training. The current version of the map along with additional resources can be found below and accessed via GOOGLE EARTH for desktop (more interactive) or via WEBMAPs.
All data viewable via Google Earth
All data viewable via Google Earth
To access the Deeper Dive map layer you'll need to download Google Earth for desktop as well as the the Deeper Dive Map layer. It should automatically open in Google Earth.
Note: In the future, the Deeper Dive layer will be housed within the Milwaukee Community Map so that you can utilize all data associated with that map. Visit Reflo's website to learn more.