Approved Playlist

This Page is a place to come and have music in the background while you work. You're not to go off on to the rest of Youtube or spend ages searching up or scrolling to find songs. This is for people, with headphones on, that need to get in the zone. We are trialling this to see if it is a helpful tool for you to use in choosing how you learn best. Just like you chose the best space, surface, level or partner to work with.

There are over 50 songs, in this playlist, at the moment. They will play automatically one after the other. If you click the three lines you can scroll and quickly find one you would like. THERE IS NO NEED TO LEAVE THE BLOG AND GO TO YOUTUBE.

These songs are appropriate and checked. If you think there is an appropriate song you would like to add to the playlist. Email Mr Carter with a link and he will check to see its appropriateness.

Happy Listening - Happy Working!!