Your Mental Health Matters

Healthy Minds:

We all need to look after our mental health so that we can get the most out of life. There are lots of things we can do to develop our emotional wellbeing. Check out the our top tips.

Life as a teenager can be tough with school often bringing many challenges. With the recent long period of time away from school and the uncertainty of how COVID 19 may develop, you may have found it hard to cope. Lots of young people will be feeling the same way as you. Have a look at the advice you can get from mental health services and websites.

If you have found that you have ‘got stuck’ with feelings of anxiety or low mood you may need a little more support. We have provided information on the support available to you at school as well as some links to self-help materials that you can try.

Mental Health Services

APPs to Support Mental Health

Friendship pt.1 .mp4
Loneliness (3) (1).mp4
Top Tips (1).mp4